Wednesday 27 September 2017


I live in lakes and rivers. I eat fish and birds. I have four legs and a long tail. I am green or greenish brown in colour. I have lots of pretty sharp teeth. I kill using a death roll. I scare everyone who sees me. I am a… If you guessed crocodile you're correct.

Big Idea1
Crocodiles are large reptiles found all around the world, in the tropical regions of Asia, Africa, The Americas and Australia. Crocodiles live in freshwater, lakes, rivers and brackish water which is a mix between salty and fresh water.  There are 23 species of crocodiles and most of them are endangered because of poaching. The largest crocodiles are the saltwater crocodiles or salties, as Australians call them and are the most terrifying of them all.

Big Idea 2
Crocodiles have 42 sharp teeth which they use for killing fish, birds, mammals and sometimes young and small crocodiles. They also are meat lovers. They tear apart flesh and swallow large chunks of meat.
They can survive for long periods in salt-water without eating or drinking so are perfect hunters.

Concluding Statement
I think crocodiles are amazing animals and we need to protect the.  Bit Don’t never watch out crocodiles are really dangerous!!

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